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Listing of Education in Archeological Programs

    Listing of Education in Archeological Programs


This document provides a detailed overview of a historical mill located on the campus of the School of the Ozarks, situated off Highway 65 west of Hollister. Constructed in 1972 by the students of the School, the mill is a testament to the educational community's dedication to preserving the rich history of the region.

Construction and Features

  • Year of Construction: 1972
  • Builders: Students at the School of the Ozarks
  • Materials: Incorporates machinery, beams, and other components salvaged from historic mills along the old Cherokee Trail of Tears across Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.
  • Architecture: The mill is a three-story structure. The first story is made of stone, providing a sturdy base, while the upper levels feature fireproofed rough-cut siding, blending durability with aesthetic appeal.

Historical Significance

The mill is not just a building; it's a bridge to the past. It stands as a symbol of the historical journey of the Cherokee people and the broader history of milling in the American Midwest. By integrating parts from mills along the Cherokee Trail of Tears, the structure serves as a living museum, echoing the stories of those who traveled the trail and the communities that once thrived around these mills.


The mill at the School of the Ozarks is more than an educational facility; it is a piece of living history. Through the efforts of the students who built it and the materials that compose it, the mill embodies the spirit of preservation, education, and respect for the past. It serves as a reminder of the intricate history of the region and the importance of maintaining a connection to our heritage.