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Poems on Subjects in the Old Testament. Part I. Genesis-Exodus


Exodus Part I - A Comparison of the Biblical and Quranic Versions


  • Title: Exodus Part I
  • Focus: Comparative study of the Exodus story in the Bible and Quran.

Key Themes

  • Comparison of Narratives: Examines differences between the Biblical and Quranic versions of the Exodus.
  • Analysis of Episodes: Detailed comparison of major episodes in both texts.
  • Contradictions and Historical Analysis: Critical examination of the Biblical account, highlighting inconsistencies.

Detailed Insights

  1. Context and Objective

    • First part of a trilogy exploring the Exodus narrative.
    • Aims to compare Biblical and Quranic versions, setting the stage for further historical and analytical exploration.
  2. Key Differences

    • Identifies variations in storytelling and logical coherence.
    • Bible: Detailed but contains inconsistencies.
    • Quran: Less detailed but more coherent.
  3. Major Episodes

    • Comparative analysis of:
      • Arrival of Israelites in Egypt.
      • Birth and life of Moses.
      • Oppression by the Pharaoh.
      • Plagues and escape.
      • Reception of commandments.
  4. Historical and Logical Inconsistencies

    • Highlights issues in the Biblical account, such as the number of Israelites and sequence of events.
    • Suggests Quranic version avoids these inconsistencies.
  5. Concluding Thoughts

    • Suggests the Biblical version of Exodus is problematic.
    • Advocates for a reconsideration of the narrative, hinting at the Quranic version as a more coherent alternative.

Author's Perspective

  • Appears to favor the Quranic narrative for its consistency.
  • Encourages a critical reassessment of the Biblical Exodus story.