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The Little Prince


Summary of "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


  • Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • Themes: Adventure, Philosophy, Innocence, Love, Critique of the Adult World
  • Narrative Style: A blend of whimsical children's tale and grown-up philosophical reflections


  • Narrator's Encounter: The story begins with the narrator, a pilot, crashing in the Sahara Desert, where he meets the little prince.
  • Origin of the Little Prince: The prince hails from a tiny asteroid, barely larger than a house, and tells tales of his journey from planet to planet.

Key Characters

  1. The Little Prince: A young, inquisitive traveler from another planet.
  2. The Narrator (Pilot): Represents the adult world but retains a sense of childlike wonder.
  3. The Rose: Represents love and beauty, residing on the prince's home planet.
  4. The Fox: Symbolizes the idea of taming and forming connections.

Major Themes

  1. Innocence vs. Adult Cynicism: The book contrasts the purity and straightforwardness of childhood with the complexity and cynicism of adulthood.
  2. Love and Responsibility: Explored through the prince's relationship with his rose.
  3. Search for Meaning: The prince's interplanetary journey represents the search for meaning and truth in life.


  • The little prince imparts wisdom about the importance of relationships and the superficiality of adults.
  • The story ends with the prince's mysterious return to his own planet and the narrator's reflection on the experience.