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Science and Religion


Summary of "Abû Shakûr al-Sâlimî’s Some Views on Faith"


  • Author: Mustafa Aykaç
  • Publication: Trabzon Theology Journal, Volume 6, Issue 2, Autumn 2019


The article discusses the theological implications of the early Islamic disputes over caliphate, which quickly evolved into political struggles. A significant focus is on the emergence of the Kharijites after the Battle of Siffin and their extreme views on faith, which prompted a broader discussion on the nature of faith among Muslim scholars.

Abû Shakûr al-Sâlimî’s Contributions

Abû Shakûr al-Sâlimî, a Hanafi scholar from the Samarkand region, offered nuanced insights into the debate on faith, emphasizing a balanced approach between the theological methods of the Hadith scholars (Ahl al-Hadith) and the rationalists (Ahl al-Ra'y). His works reflect an attempt to reconcile these divergent perspectives within the broader Sunni framework.

Key Points

  • Nature of Faith: Al-Sâlimî explored the essence of faith, challenging both the Kharijites' exclusionary practices and the Ash'arites' theological positions. He argued for a definition of faith that includes belief, confession by the tongue, and deeds, opposing the idea that actions are separate from faith.
  • Role of Reason: He also addressed the role of reason in understanding God, critiquing the Ash'arites' dismissal of reason's capacity to know God without revelation. Al-Sâlimî advocated for a moderate use of reason, aligned with the Sunni consensus, which recognizes miracles and the prophets' teachings as essential to faith.
  • Critique of Theological Groups: Although he frequently referenced Ash'ari views, al-Sâlimî did not classify them within his definition of Sunni orthodoxy, highlighting his critique of their stance on issues like God’s attributes and the creation.


Mustafa Aykaç's article provides a comprehensive analysis of Abû Shakûr al-Sâlimî’s theological perspectives, emphasizing his efforts to navigate the complex terrain of Islamic theology. Al-Sâlimî's work is presented as a significant contribution to the Sunni tradition, offering insights that remain relevant in discussions on faith, reason, and the diversity within Islamic thought.