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Indian Mythology


Summary of "Mythology" by Edith Hamilton


"Mythology" by Edith Hamilton is a comprehensive guide to ancient myths, particularly those of Greek, Roman, and Norse origin. Hamilton delves into the stories of gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters, illuminating the narratives that have shaped Western culture.

Main Content

Greek and Roman Myths

  • The Gods: The book begins with the Greek gods of Mount Olympus, their Roman counterparts, and their complex relationships and histories.
  • Creation Myths: It covers the creation stories, the rise of Zeus, and the battle with the Titans.
  • Heroic Myths: Tales of heroes like Hercules, Theseus, and Perseus, showcasing their quests and adventures.
  • The Trojan War: An in-depth look at the causes, major events, and aftermath of the Trojan War, including stories of Achilles, Helen, and the Trojan Horse.
  • Odysseus' Journey: The odyssey of Odysseus, his encounters with mythical creatures, and his eventual return to Ithaca.
  • Roman Myths: Adaptations of Greek myths in Roman culture, including the founding of Rome and the stories of Romulus and Remus.

Norse Myths

  • Norse Pantheon: Introduction to Norse gods like Odin, Thor, and Loki.
  • Creation and Apocalypse: The Norse creation myth, the structure of the Norse cosmos, and the prophecy of Ragnarok.
  • Heroic Sagas: Stories of Norse heroes and their exploits.

Analysis and Interpretation

Hamilton interprets these myths not just as ancient stories, but as reflections of human nature and societal values of the times. She explores themes like heroism, fate, and the human condition.


"Mythology" serves as both an educational resource and a fascinating exploration of stories that continue to influence modern art, literature, and culture. Hamilton's narrative breathes life into ancient myths, making them accessible and engaging for contemporary readers.