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Julius Caesar


Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare


Dramatis Personae

  • Julius Caesar - Roman dictator
  • Triumvirs after Caesar's death: Octavius Caesar, Marcus Antonius, M. Aemilius Lepidus
  • Senators: Cicero, Publius, Popilius Lena
  • Conspirators against Julius Caesar: Marcus Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Trebonius, Ligarius, Decius Brutus, Metellus Cimber, Cinna
  • Others: Flavius, Marullus, Artemidorus, Soothsayer, Cinna the Poet, Lucilius, Titinius, Messala, Young Cato, Volumnius, Varro, Clitus, Claudius, Strato, Lucius, Dardanius, Pindarus
  • Calpurnia - Caesar's wife
  • Portia - Brutus' wife

Act I: Rising Tensions in Rome

Scene I: The Commoners' Celebration

  • Location: A street in Rome
  • Characters: Flavius, Marullus, Commoners
  • Flavius and Marullus confront commoners celebrating Caesar's triumph over Pompey, criticizing their fickleness.

Scene II: The Soothsayer's Warning

  • Characters: Caesar, Antony, Soothsayer, Brutus, Cassius, Casca
  • A soothsayer warns Caesar to "beware the ides of March," which he dismisses.

Scene III: Cassius' Manipulation

  • Characters: Cassius, Brutus
  • Cassius persuades Brutus that Caesar's ambition threatens Roman freedom.
  • Brutus, fond of Caesar, worries about the potential corruption of power.

Act II: The Conspiracy Against Caesar

Scene I: Brutus Joins the Conspiracy

  • Location: Brutus's orchard
  • Brutus joins the conspiracy, convinced by Cassius' manipulated letters.
  • The conspirators plan Caesar's assassination at Brutus's house.

Scene II: Calpurnia's Nightmare and Caesar's Decision

  • Characters: Caesar, Calpurnia, Decius Brutus, other conspirators
  • Calpurnia dreams of Caesar's death and pleads with him to avoid the Senate, but Decius convinces him otherwise.

Act III: The Assassination and Its Aftermath

Scene I: The Ides of March

  • Location: The Capitol
  • Caesar is assassinated by the conspirators despite warnings.

Scene II: Brutus and Antony's Speeches

  • Location: The Forum
  • Brutus justifies the assassination; Antony sways the public against the conspirators, igniting a civil war.

Act IV: The Aftermath of the Assassination

Scene I: The Triumvirs' Plans

  • Characters: Antony, Octavius, Lepidus
  • The Triumvirs plan to avenge Caesar's death and secure their power.

Scene II-V: The Conspirators' Struggle

  • Location: Military camps
  • The conspirators face internal conflicts and the threat of the Triumvirs' forces.

Act V: The Final Battle and Resolution

Scene I: Preparing for Battle

  • Location: The plains of Philippi
  • Brutus and Cassius prepare to battle Antony and Octavius.

Scene II-V: The Battle of Philippi

  • The battle ensues; Brutus and Cassius face defeat.

Scene V: The Fall of Brutus

  • Brutus commits suicide, ending the war.
  • Antony praises Brutus as the "noblest Roman of them all."


"Julius Caesar" explores themes of power, loyalty, and betrayal, highlighting the complexities of political ambition and moral integrity. Shakespeare's portrayal of historical events and characters offers a timeless reflection on the human condition and the cycles of history.