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Bird Talk

    Bird Talk

Chapter 2: Bird Talk by Aileen Fisher


"Bird Talk" is a charming poem by Aileen Fisher that explores the whimsical idea of birds discussing their observations of humans. Through the conversations between a robin and a jay, the poem humorously contrasts the natural characteristics of birds with human behaviors and attributes.

Key Points

  • Opening Query: The poem starts with a question, pondering whether birds find humans amusing. This sets the tone for a playful and introspective examination from the birds' perspective.

  • Birds' Perspective: The robin and the jay, while sitting in the garden, share their thoughts on the peculiar nature of humans. They note the absence of feathers, the inability to eat beetles, lack of wings, and the oddity of not enjoying perching on wires and such.

  • Contrasting Lives: The birds' dialogue highlights the stark differences between avian and human lives, emphasizing the absence of common bird-like features and behaviors in humans.

  • Humorous Tone: The poem is imbued with a light-hearted and humorous tone, as the birds find the concept of human existence—without feathers, wings, or the joy of sitting on wires—quite amusing.


Through "Bird Talk," Aileen Fisher invites readers to reflect on the natural world from a unique perspective, offering a playful critique of human life by juxtaposing it with the simple, yet content, existence of birds. The poem encourages a moment of self-reflection on our place in the natural world, all while engaging us with its clever and humorous insights.